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The Online Case Information Portal will be unavailable February 21st from 1:00PM to 2:30PM.

Public Records, Media, and Research Requests

Research and Records

There are different types of research and records searches that can be requested by individuals, search companies, businesses or government agencies. All search requests and copying are performed by a clerk or staff member employed by the court. Each service performed by the court requires a fee which needs to be paid before the research or copying of records can occur. Please refer to the Records Related Fees on the State Civil Fee Schedule for more information.  In general, copies are $.50 per page and most certification fees are $40.00 per document + copy fees.  Certification of a dissolution judgment is $15.00 + copy fees.  Research over 10 minutes is $15.00 per search.

Depending on how old the case that you are searching for is, most court files are accessible in the clerk’s office. Some closed case files are kept at an off-site retention facility and take approximately five days to be delivered to the courthouse. Before submitting a research or copy request, please check our online portal, which may provide you with the information that you are looking for.  Please note the the online portal does not provide dates of birth.  If you have searched the online portal and need to verify a date of birth, please fill out and submit a DOB Verification Form.

In order to obtain copies or certified copies of a file or document, you may go to the Clerk’s office located at 255 N. Forbes Street, 4th Floor, Lakeport, CA or complete a Research and Copy Request Form and mail it to Lake County Superior Court, 255 N. Forbes Street, Lakeport, CA 95453 or fax your request form to (707) 262-1327.

Public Access to Judicial Administrative Records

California Rules of Court Rule 10.500 sets forth comprehensive public access provisions applicable to judicial administrative records maintained by state trial and appellate courts, and the Judicial Council of California (the council).

The court will make identifiable judicial administrative records available upon request, unless the records are exempt from disclosure under Rule 10.500.  Records may be subject to a payment fee.

Requests should be made in writing and directed to:

Court Executive Officer
Superior Court, County of Lake
255 N. Forbes Street, 4th Floor
Lakeport, CA  95453

Court Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm
Phone: (707) 263-2374

Media Requests

California Rules of Court Rule1.150 sets forth comprehensive public access provisions applicable to photographing, recording, and broadcasting court proceedings. Except as provided by rule 1.150, court proceedings may not be photographed, recorded, or broadcast.  Media coverage may be permitted only on written order of the Judicial Officer. Members of the media may submit a request by completing Judicial Council forms MC-500 and MC-510.  The request must be made 5 court days prior to the hearing unless the Judicial Officer finds good cause to shorten the filing deadline.  Once the request is reviewed and approved by the Judicial Officer, a copy of the order will be provided to the requesting media.

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