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The Online Case Information Portal will be unavailable February 21st from 1:00PM to 2:30PM.


Lake County Superior Court is organized into several divisions that handle different legal matters. Please select from one of the divisions below.

  • Criminal

    The Criminal Division has jurisdiction over felony and misdemeanor complaints filed by the District Attorney. Please note that DUI violations ARE heard within this Division.

  • Jury Services

    The Jury Division is responsible for summoning prospective jurors for both civil and criminal cases where the parties have elected to have a jury of their peers decide the case.

  • Mediation

    Mediation is a type of dispute resolution that is an alternative to litigation. Lake County currently offers mediation services for Child Custody matters.

  • Small Claims

    The Small Claims Division has jurisdiction over civil matters where claims are for an amount less than $7500.

  • Traffic

    The Traffic Division has jurisdiction over Vehicle Code (infraction) violations, some local municipal ordinances and minor misdemeanors, including Fish and Game or Animal Control violations. Please note that DUI violations are NOT heard within this division.

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